Help your child address learning difficulties By Cary and Tonja Rector As the reading aloud portion of instruction begins, David squirms in his seat and talks to his neighbor. When the teacher asks him to read from the assignment, he calls the teacher a name and gets sent to the principal’s office. School is the …Read More
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Parents can help sons and daughters in unhealthy relationships By Cary and Tonja Rector “We are very concerned about her relationship with her boyfriend,” she tells the therapist after her daughter has left. “We think he may have pushed her during a recent argument. He seems to be jealous of her other friends and …Read More

Developing empathy is an extended process By Cary and Tonja Rector. When 3-year-old Emily sees her older brother has cut his finger, she grabs her own finger and winces. This “mirroring” effect, where we experience “secondhand” pain, is something we have all felt. Research is demonstrating there is a neurological link between our own …Read More

End power struggles with your child By Cary and Tonja Rector We often encounter parents and kids locked in a power struggle. The issues vary, but the dynamic is the same. Parents are irritated, angry and cannot understand the kid’s behavior. The child continues the behavior—and gets into more trouble with his parent. Certain …Read More

Guiding your teenager’s social media use By Cary and Tonja Rector Think you know your teen’s social media platforms? Facebook, Instagram and Twitter—right? How about Snapchat, Vine, Tumblr and Kik? Ever heard of Pheed? All of these social media sites are available as apps. Kids do not need a computer to access them. As a …Read More

Parents must teach kids about financial realities By Cary and Tonja Rector What parent has not gone through the experience of trying to make a quick stop at Target for a specific item when their preschooler spots a toy he wants. This is not the best time to start teaching your child about resisting …Read More

How women can cope with postpartum depression By Cary and Tonja Rector The birth of a baby is a joyous occasion for a family. When postpartum depression becomes part of the experience it can be confusing and frightening. Many women experience feelings of depression in the weeks following giving birth. The “baby blues” are …Read More

An exercise habit can alleviate anxiety and depression By Cary and Tonja Rector You just can’t go wrong with exercising and emotional health. Several times each week we talk with our clients about the importance of the habit of exercise. Research clearly demonstrates aerobic exercise is helpful in treating anxiety and depression. It also …Read More

Help teens avoid the pitfalls of consuming alcohol By Cary and Tonja Rector The summer season is here. It’s an exciting time for teens. Prom, senior ball, graduation—there’s a lot to celebrate. And while parents are happy to see their teen enjoy the activities of high school, they also worry about drinking, especially this …Read More