The holiday season is here. You can feel it in the air. The excitement is building and the planning has begun for concerts, shopping, baking, family gatherings, seasonal outings, decorating, office and school parties, travel and phew, is it January yet?! This time of year is filled with excitement and anticipation, especially for children. Adults …Read More
Tag Archives: Holidays

When thinking about the holidays, most people focus on family. Family outings, gatherings and traditions are a large part of the holiday season for many people. For a stepfamily, the “family” aspect of the holidays can bring added stress and pressure. Differing traditions and priorities can collide to make the holidays an especially difficult time …Read More

Kids need to know their holiday manners By Cary and Tonja Rector Here’s the scene: You’re hosting family for the holidays. Parents, siblings, in-laws, aunts and uncles, everyone within a 200-mile radius is gathered in your home. The kids have endured the meal and are eagerly opening gifts. Your son rips into the package …Read More